产品目录 Display instruments and adjustment PLICSCOM, VEGADIS
操作说明书 DTM Collection/PACTware™
操作说明书 VEGA DataViewer Software for archiving, administration and display of DTM data
软件 - DTM Collection + PACTware PACTware and VEGA DTM Collection File size > 2.7 GB
软件 - DTM Collection + PACTware VEGA DTM Collection Collection of all VEGA device DTMs as well as communication DTMs for parameterization (an FDT framework program such as PACTware is required). File size is > 1.2 GB.
软件 - DTM Collection + PACTware VEGA DataViewer Software for archiving, managing and displaying all field devices that were created via the VEGA Tools app or using DTM. VEGA DataViewer can work stand-alone or via the central interface of myVEGA. Fi
软件 - DTM Collection + PACTware PACTware 6.1 Framework program of the PACTware Consortium e. V. (can be used as operating software in conjunction with DTMs). File size is 35 MB.
软件 - DTM Collection + PACTware Generic HART DTM Version 4.0.3 Standard DTM for adjustment of individual HART sensors via Universal Commands (manufacturer: ICS)
软件 - DTM Collection + PACTware HART Driver Version 1.0.52 Communication DTM for use of HART modems (manufacturer: Codewrights)
软件 - DTM Collection + PACTware PROFIdtm 型式 2.10 Communication DTM for communication via Profibus DP with Softing Profibus cards (manufacturer: Softing)
软件 - DTM Collection + PACTware IDTM-FDI PACTware 1.7.31 Converter DTM for using FDI packages (for HART sensors) in PACTware 6.1 and higher (manufacturer: Codewrights)
宣传册 - 产品宣传册 Efficient configuration with PACTware