Steam boiler
Level measurement and point level detection in process steam generation
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Level measurement with guided radar for optimization of steam generation in boilers
- Approved acc. to EN 12952-11 and EN 12953-9 as limiting device for high and low water in the boiler
- Automatic runtime adjustment ensures accurate measurement, even under changing vapour pressures
- High system reliability through automatic self-monitoring
- Safe for use up to SIL2/3 according to IEC 61508

Vibrating level switch for high and low water limitation in steam boilers
- Ceramic materials allow use at temperatures up to 450 °C and pressures up to 160 bar
- Density changes and changes in conductivity or saturated steam consistency do not influence the measurement
- Continuous self-monitoring as well as fast and reliable function testing via keystroke
- Safe for use up to SIL2/3 according to IEC 61508

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