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Detecting very small signals reliably

Why is the dynamic range of a radar device important?
The dynamic range of a radar sensor defines which applications the sensor can be successfully used in. The reflective properties of various bulk solids dier
greatly. A large dynamic range ensures that even the smallest signals and therefore the widest range of products can be measured.

The theory
The dynamic range of a sensor indicates the dierence between the largest and smallest signal that can be measured. Since the transmitting power cannot be increased, the electronics has to detect and evaluate ever smaller signals.

The solution
VEGAPULS 69 sets new standards. Because of its large dynamic range, it can measure even the tiniest of reflected signals. This ensures even better measurement certainty and reliability for media with good reflective properties – such as coal, ore or rocks. When it comes to the measurement of media with poor reflective properties, such as plastic powders or dry wood chips, this new technology comes into its own, with significantly improved signal dierentiation.

The benefits

  • Broader range of applications for all bulk solids, regardless of their reflective properties
  • Universal measuring method thanks to the large dynamic range

Expert tip:
When selecting a sensor for bulk solids applications, it makes sense to opt for a sensor with the largest possible dynamic range. Such a sensor always ensures maximum reliability, regardless of the measuring range and the type of application.

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